Keeping your neighborhood safe

A Safer Neighborhood in 3 Easy Steps

Most homeowners worry about crime taking place not just at their own homes, but throughout the whole neighborhood. One recent security poll showed that 55% of neighbors watch over one another’s homes during vacation season. With that in mind, here are three ways to make your neighborhood a safer place for everyone this summer.

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Tune-Up your Home Security

Time to Tune-Up Your Home Security

It’s that time of year when everyone is starting their new projects at home – and if you’re still in need of ideas, we have one for you: giving your home security an annual tune-up. This is an easy one you can complete in a single weekend, and it’s well worth the time investment. Here’s…

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Kids Home Alone? We Have Home Security Solutions

With schools remaining closed until fall, 2020 is a unique year for North Carolina families. Parents who are required to return to the workplace before school starts are in need of solutions to make sure their kids are staying safe if they’re home alone. If a caregiver is coming over, they may want to keep…

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Keeping Families Connected During COVID-19

When social distancing is enforced, families need as much support as possible to stay connected. There’s lots of technology to help with this, and that includes home security technology. Here are some ways home security can help your family stay connected during the COVID-19 crisis.

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